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  1. puhje

    Another Eden

    Just do a negative number on the quantity.
  2. puhje

    Another Eden

  3. puhje

    Another Eden

    I see, what I think is maybe the methods are quite different for those using an emulator and to those using an actual phone. As for me I am using an emulator so the above method of adding values worked for me, what I don't seem to get working is the preview of the item name in which you showed in your Nopaew Replace video. The preview of the item name that I got working is when I am about to purchase and the confirmation box shows up and tells the item to be purchased.
  4. puhje

    Another Eden

    Anyone here managed to get weapons and armors? Or just the materials will do. Thanks!
  5. puhje

    Another Eden

    Sharing here for everyone. To get Guiding Light and Luring Shadow, you must search first for the Fated Star Fragment then from there +160 onwards.
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