Thanks, I already knew about it, but it's been so long since I've used GameGuardian that I got rusty, I completely forgot about it. These scripts are extremely useful. There's an interesting fact in this whole conversation, even though my game is in Unity, I can't use the script to get the class and offset, it seems to be some kind of protection, because the error is that it can't find, even though it's there in the lib files. It's strange because I also can't generate a dump.cs with the software that dumps ill2cpp + metadata. What could it be? They have another game where I can dump normally, and honestly, they are very similar.
I can send the name of the game but I wanted to leave the game I'm exploring completely anonymous in this discussion, if you want to check out the game try searching for "Block Force" in the play store, and you can confirm for me if it's really a Unity-based game. The comment will be edited so I don't mention its name.