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  1. That's awesome, can you tell me your discord though? I really want to know how to get the opuses , red keys and cat tickets!
  2. How do you actually locate the IDs in the "Go to" list that's required for the Red keys? And is there is anything for the skip tickets yet? I'm using the phone not the player. Waiting for the opuses in your spreadsheet. Thanks in advance!
  3. Nope. Tried it from my phone.. didn't work although I did set memory range like in the video "A,O" but the actual data is only visible if you set Ca in the memory range.
  4. Unfortunately as you see, no one replied to me yet
  5. Anyone cares to share how to replace shop items with that of the opuses?
  6. Can you share how do you replace the id with that of the opuses ? Been struggling to get any opus drops for the past month or 2.
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