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Everything posted by unlovedwaifu

  1. Apex gotta few questions for you regarding the IdleHeroTD script is there anyway to edit the amount of energy you gain per round end? And the same question but for the gems/paid for currency? For the gems side of it if it's possible adjust how many gems we could get from finishing one of the daily challenges? And boss spawns if possible making it so that we could infinitely spawn them without having to wait for the timer to finish?
  2. You're an absolute legend dude much love seriously
  3. Or add 500k, 1m and 1.5m as options? Because roughly I get around 150k-250k without the script
  4. I feel like I'm asking for a lot considering the script is free but is it possible to make the XP scale with the upgrades in game?
  5. That's honestly what I had in mind when I was thinking of a custom amount for XP so yes that would be awesome and an amazing add to the script much love
  6. Any off chance for the Idle Hero TD script that we could customize the amount of XP that we want to not go completely overboard and be 1 in the leaderboards with 3 enemy kills?
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