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    Samsung A21s

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  1. I have tried it but it doesn't work
  2. I want to create an offset from several values that I found to make offset 17 and the offset type is Dword.. What commands need to be included in my script? Please help me because I don't have the offset command. Thank You
  3. I have a question regarding an offset related issue. here I want to create an offset from the value I found to be at offset 8 and make a copy directly. but I am confused about what commands should be entered into the script script. please help me Here I use gg according to my language, Indonesian
  4. Thank you, the script works but after running it, not only the value 0 is deleted... but several other codes are also deleted. Is there something wrong with the way I write the contents of my script? Here I use the QuickEdit application to create the script
  5. I have problems when creating a command to delete the value 0 on the save tab, if I may ask what commands need to be added to the contents of the script and can you help me by giving an example of the script? Thank You
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