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  1. Pos3idon

    Mini Dayz 2

    Game Name: Mini Dayz 2 Game link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bistudio.mdz2 Comments: I have managed to duplicate items, using fuzzy search I found the durability of weapons, but there's an old video showing how to make those mods easier to find. I want help with: spawning items, changing zoom value, infinite HP, hunger and sanity, remove IRL waiting time. There are videos on how to do those things but they seem to be outdated, cause I have tried and failed.
  2. I have been playing with the 'Unrandomizer' a lot, but I get no luck with the weapon boxes. How to get the best weapon using unrandomizer? I have tried: turning on before clicking to open.. when it's ready to open.. used the increasing option.. does it work with values over 100?
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