Hi, I know that I need #6 checkbox be green to speedhack work in my game but when I make new emulator with absolutely same settings apks and other GG sees checkboxes different everytime. Idk what to do. I cant reach #6 app checkbox be green on some emulators. Please help
I have emulators where it works fine and emulators where it not works. I double-checked I have x86 version. I tried to change every checkbox I tried to change every checkbox on interception and found out I need #2,3,4 checkboxes to #6 app in functions be green. But anything I do on non-work emulator #6 app checkbox doesnt change to be green. I tried to install different versions of GG 80 90 and 101. Nothing helps. Im starting to suspect that I need to launch game many many times so GG will finally find this timer but Im not sure. Because there was 5 emulators that start work after time but anyway I reinstall somewhere (of this 5 emulators) GG and it immediately found #6 app timer omg idk