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Everything posted by Servicesaga

  1. The game I'm trying is Tenno "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.resurgegames.tenno&hl=id", and its Unity version is 2023.3. After searching through the forums, many users have complained about being unable to generate a dump from that Unity version because Il2CppDumper does not support it. Are there any other ways to generate a dump besides using Il2Cpp?
  2. [Hello modders, i want to ask about Global-metadata.] First, i see global-metadata in HxD, and i got the header is not AF 1B B1 FA, so i try to descrypt, and i got the header AF 1B B1 FA, i have read some article, and they say if i find header like that, i can use metadata for dump il2cpp. But, when i dump the metadata+il2cpp, i have some error like this I think, i have clearing the problem, but i got error agin, anyone can tell me how to dump it? thanks
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