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NickTSPre last won the day on October 12 2017

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    7.x (Nougat)
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    LG G6 H870DS

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Community Answers

  1. Are you not capable for answering? Well you are reported for making fun of your interlocutor... Have fun with your youtube channel... Keep disrespecting the GG community.
  2. Lol? You cannot understand the english language or something?
  3. Why don't you publish your vids here? Why are you being disrespectful to the community and ask only for their subscription while the community has all their vids open in public? It's ok that you want the community's help for your youtube channel but do not be hostile to the forum that welcomes everyone who needs help... I am waiting for an honest answer at least...
  4. Hello there! ATV is not implemented ingame yet. When they do so I think you 'll be able to use it except it 's stuck cause you did finalize it when you ought not to.
  5. You just messed your game data. Dragunov and revolver are not implemented yet. You have to start from scratch except you have an older backup of your files.
  6. Here it goes! Had terrible internet these does due to bad weather and couldn't upload. @NoFear 's pointers method for v1.6.9 . Also updated the post that every hack is gathered.
  7. @kimchanjun @NoFear @Krakken Guys can anyone check the inapp purchase pointers method? They changed it on v1.6.8 . No rush just to be up to date!
  8. That 's pretty common since LDoE is "feeding" so many channels lately. It has made a serious compact on subscribes on YT. Ridiculous, right? And that 's another reason I personally neglect many of those requests in this thread right now. There are already so many info on doing pretty much everything and you can literally see requests right under those guides... Some weeks ago someone asked on how to finish chopper etc. and I reattached the video already posted since version 1.5.3 and I discovered a couple days later a video on this on version 1.6.2. .
  9. You do not have to appologize! The ";" in the ID I show you indicates the separation between the Dword / addresses you are group searching. The group search has the limitation of 8 different values you try to search at once. This 19;6357096;7077996;7798895;6619237;6226030;6881399;6488180;6226024;6357096;116 is more than 8 that's why it pops the message. You have to search the first 8 of it (19;6357096;7077996;7798895;6619237;6226030;6881399;6488180) or the last 8 of it (7798895;6619237;6226030;6881399;6488180;6226024;6357096;116) so to be able to search and lead to a result. There are two videos on how to find items' IDs in the sticky post with all the current hacks. If you can't understand something ask again.
  10. It 's very simple. I gave you this 19;6357096;7077996;7798895;6619237;6226030;6881399;6488180;6226024;6357096;116 and you have to search for 7798895;6619237;6226030;6881399;6488180;6226024;6357096;116 or 19;6357096;7077996;7798895;6619237;6226030;6881399;6488180 for example... There are already videos mate that explain literally every single thing. Take some time and watch them closely. If I was able to learn from them then you are too!
  11. No it's not the pumpkin head. It 's the witch hat that the new dealer is wearing. For the pumpkin head you need to search : 13;6357096;7077996;7798895;6619237;6226030;6357096;116 Yeah it only searches 8 in a row so grab the first 8 eather the last 8 from the whole ID I am giving you!
  12. Halloween witch hat (new dealer's hat) 19;6357096;7077996;7798895;6619237;6226030;6881399;6488180;6226024;6357096;116
  13. 12;7536758;6226035;6881398;7602286;7471215;7995493;0::29 Though there are videos on how to find by your own whatever item's ID you want... ?
  14. So to be official on this, a proper video on item ID swap. It 's for the inventory only. The inbox item ID swap works as known till now. Added on the sticky post also.
  15. It's thick_hat/shirt/pants/boots_fortified and for the three-part lower improved armor it's simple_shirt/pants/boots_fortified. Did not write down the exact ID so you 'll have to figure it out by the already known method. Enjoy!
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