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  1. You may have misunderstood me, I want to find the command to change this address and then modify it, like the Cheat Engine to see what accessed this address
  2. As my title says, is it possible to go to gg to see what accessed this address, such as Cheat Engine, which I see someone doing through a script,I will thank every friend for their help.
  3. Ok, thank you very much for your help,I got a similar answer,do you mean I can't use gameguardian to change a byte of data to 999, I was wondering if I could use gameguardian to change this address from one byte to two bytes,Although this address is now only one byte,I hope I can get yourhelp.Thank you very much.
  4. Ok, thank you very much for your help, do you mean I can't use gameguardian to change a byte of data to 999, this address only has a byte type,I was wondering if I could use gameguardian to change this address from one byte to two bytes,Although this address is now only one byte,I hope I can get yourhelp.Thank you very much.
  5. A game data read type is bytes, the maximum can only be modified to 255, I want to modify this data to 999, someone can teach me? I would really appreciate everyone's help, in fact, this game is GBA Pokmon
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