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  1. It doesn't work. does not return to its original value. I want to revert to the original value from the change to 150,000. How should I write?
  2. Select Close. I want it to return to its original state. My script. if cstatus1 == on then cstatus1 = off else cstatus1 = on end if cstatus1 == on then gg.setRanges(32) gg.searchNumber("1401;19:5",4) gg.refineNumber("1401",4) local start = gg.getResults(1) local target = start[1].address + 0x4 local target2 = start[1].address + -0x4C local target3 = start[1].address + -0x9C local target4 = start[1].address + -0xEC gg.setValues ({ {address = target,flags=4,value=150000}, {address = target2,flags=4,value=150000}, {address = target3,flags=4,value=150000}, {address = target4,flags=4,value=150000}}) gg.toast("[ON]") else Help me Return to original value gg.clearResults() gg.toast("[OFF]") end
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