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Everything posted by bidc

  1. It looks like freezing is not necessary. I just wasn't get it right a few times and freezing the value kept crashing my game. I wish I could edit the previous post, but it won't let me.
  2. Revision for step 6: When checking for the values with wishmarket below, edit the space that normally costs a wish and change it from 1 to 2, then recheck the price. If it updates, it's the correct value, if it doesn't, check for the next one.
  3. Lol, Twin Blightwing in a Galaxy Pedestal. I meant to do a fire pedestal. I edited the wrong wishmarket value, so it's a partial success. It doesn't have the Rift glint like it's suppose to. Maybe when I refresh the game it might update. Update: The Glint reappears after updating the game
  4. Actually, I find that editing both wishmarket values crashes my game, but editing one of them does not, but there's only a 50% chance of it working. Otherwise it will have to be the 2nd wishmarket value.
  5. Getting Twin Rift uniques is now possible: 1. Make Sure the Celerulean Dragon in the Wish shop has the twin border. 2. Do the exact same method as your tutorial to obtain the DWord ID for Celerulean Dragon in the regular shop. 3. Get the DWord ID for the Rift Unique Dragon of your choice. (e.g. Blightwing) 4. Go back to the wish shop and select Celerulean 5. Search the Celerulean Dragon's DWord ID. Check each address by scrolling down to see if "wishmarket" is in the string. 6. Replace all Celerulean Dragon DWord ID's containing wishmarket with the Rift Dragon of your choice's ID and freeze the values (in my case, Blightwing). There should be 2 values based on my experience. 7. Deselect and reselect the Celerulean dragon's listing. 8. Place your Twin Blightwing into the habitat of your choice. Make sure that the Elements it is trying to place the Dragon matches that of the Rift Dragon, and not Celerulean. Otherwise you will get a Celerulean dragon instead. 9. Enjoy your Twin Rift unique! Getting Regular Primary Dragons with Rift Traits is now possible too. 1. Go to the Rift Shop and select Vaul Dragon (or any Primary Rift dragon if Vaul is no longer available). 2. Do the exact same method as your tutorial to obtain the DWord ID for the Vaul Dragon in the rift shop. 3. Replace the DWord value of Vaul Dragon with any Regular Primary dragon of choice (this does not work with ghostly dragons). 4. Purchase, and place in the world. Now you have a glitched looking Regular Primary dragon with a Rift Trait. These dragons do not produce any Ethereum so it is completely useless to have them in the rift. It's best to have them in the main park as they still produce Dragoncash. If there is any easier method to do this, feel free to update me on this.
  6. This youtube video is also interesting: It looks like the Sumi dragon used to be on a plant pedestal, but when the Surface element was introduced, it was assigned the surface element as the main element, meaning new Pedestals of this dragon had the epic pedestal holder, but older Sumi pedestals still had the plant pedestal. This could theoretically mean that it is possible to apply a Dark Pedestal holder to a plant dragon egg, or a Galaxy pedestal holder to a rainbow dragon.
  7. One thing that still peaks my interest is the fact that you can get twin versions of the dragons you already own. What I really want to accompolish is to see if I can apply the rift and rift trait properties to the dragon. There's gotta be some value that toggle between rift and non-rift mode. That would make getting purple fire really easily and then I can finally beat the game. Fun fact. If you played the game before September 13th 2017 before the Rift was added to the game, it was possible to get Twin Light Rift and Twin Dark Rift dragons, before the Rift element existed. This was through co-op breeding at the time, but if the wish shop has a Twin dragon toggle for dragons, there must be a rift and rift trait toggle too somewhere.
  8. I also found out you can get other currencies too: - Go down 2 spaces for EXP - Go down 4 spaces for Food - Go down 6 spaces for Gems - Go down 10 spaces for Event Currency - Go down 12 spaces for Wishes - Go down 16 spaces for Eternal essence - Go down 18 spaces for Abundant essence - Go down 20 spaces for Vital essence - Go down 22 spaces for Ethereum - Go down 24 spaces for Runestones (when the event is available) - Go down 26 spaces for Egg Hatchy Tickets (currently available) - Go down 28 spaces for Event Tokens (not available ATM) - Go down 30 spaces for Soul Shards I don't think you automatically receive a wishing well for hacking wishes either for players who do not yet have a wishing well. I believe the item hack swap method needs to be used to obtain "wishbuilding_0".
  9. Basically, all you have to do is: 1. Buy 1 galaxy flag (edit the price to make it free) 2. Select the galaxy flag you just placed 3. Search the price of the galaxy flag. Most likely there will be only 1 result 4. Edit the price to 0 5. Go to the address 6. Move down exactly 12 spaces from that value for decorations costing dragoncash. 7. Add in any negative value 8. Go to your wishing well and the make a wish icon will no longer be greyed out, and the amount of wishes you hacked will be displayed.
  10. I actually found out on my own as well too. I am so freaking happy right now. For 9 years I wanted to do this, ever since the wishing well came out.
  11. I saw that you posted this tool in the youtube comments of your video, but thanks for sharing it again. One quick method I developed to check bundle descriptions fast was I saved the address of the D-Value responsible for assigning the item/bundle, and then I just keep replacing the D-Value with each one on the list, and rechecking the description of the listing, without having to redo finding the listing every time. I only have to redo it if I decide to "buy" the bundle/item.
  12. When I was checking the bundles, they didn't have proper names, many of them were gibberish if I last remember, so if you were to make a list for bundles, for each bundle, you would need to say how many purple values above or below the island theme bundle you would need to go to get to it. I know there were a lot of bundles for certain special collections, elements, and event dragons. I even came across test bundes too, and bundles without a proper description. I didn't need all of them because I already have every dragon, but for you if you still need more dragons, this can be useful to reduce the amount of value changing. I'll have to try again with the island themes. The limited habitats were the most important, as now I can plan properly all of my islands.
  13. There are also bundles for every dragon collection in the game, so you can get multiple dragons at once from one single purchase. You just have to go to your gifts.
  14. You won't believe what I just found: So Ghostly Lightning and Ghostly Water dragons were suppose to exist at some point! I haven't placed them yet as they're still in my gifts, but wow. I wonder what other secrets this game has. All I did was I followed your video, except I was browsing the ID's around the Island Theme Bundle.
  15. Hello again, I've just dug up my old computer and I can confirm that I was successfully able to execute this. I can get every dragon in the game, including unreleased dragons. I found that changing the memory range to show only alloc only shows nothing on my end, so I just reset it back to default and I was able to find the values that I needed. You can also get an infinite number of any buildings, habitats, and decorations of the same type that have a limit. For instance, you can have 15 breeding caves and 5 Colosseum's. For buildings, the galaxy flag is the easiest to search up (for me at least). I would also like to point out to anyone that tries this hack: - Having multiple Breeding/Enchanted Breeding Caves works flawlessly without any issue. - Using multiple Colosseum's is possible, but your game will crash after adding the 2nd dragon and so forth. The game will reload and both dragons will be in the Colosseum's. - Having Multiple Shrines, Relic of the Epic's, or Monument of the Epic's does NOT allow you to increase the level of your epic dragons beyond level 20. - Multiple Dragonsai Gifting trees or Bushes does not Increase the number of gems you are able to gift per day. - Multiple Dragon Tracks does not increase the number of races you can do each day. - Multiple Element Boosts of the Exact same kind on the exact same island works perfectly and the boost effect is stackable. The only limit is the size of your island. Theoretically, a 115,000/h+ earn rate for a single dragon is possible, or $800,000/h+ for a single Omnitat with either Tien or Nacre dragons, but I don't have the time to spam 387 boost towers on a colossal island. You can also surround the 3x3 portal with 7 generators for an extra 14% boost to get the absolute highest possible. I also suggest adding boosts to an island without any habitats or dragons before adding habitats and dragons. Otherwise I've had my game crash a few times. - Attempting to place a portal gives off an in-game error message, but does not crash the game. A portal in mid air will appear as if you are trying to move it. If you click it, the game will crash. - Attempting to place a wishing well does not give you a wish. Do not place the wrong wishing well building. wishbuilding_0 is the correct building for getting wishes, and multiple wish buildings has no effect. wishingwellbuilding_0 is purely a decoration and will not get you a wish, but strangely has a sell price of 6,172,839 Gems. Yes, actual gems, not dragoncash. I did not Test multiple Hibernation Cave's nor Storage Tower's as I was unable to find them and were not too important to me. This is very important: You need to be careful with which buildings/decorations you place into your park. Some buildings were never suppose to be obtainable in the first place, making it impossible to move, or sell that building. Some buildings like Multiple Colosseum's and Breeding Cave's, while you can move them, cannot be removed once you place them. Luckily, this happened on my test park and not my main park, but please keep in mind. Here are a few buildings that I tried: - "magicbreedinghabitat" is a fully functional breeding cave called "Runic Breeding Cave". Once placed, it cannot be moved or sold, but you are able to breed in it costing 250 magic each try and always getting an instant egg that still needs to be incubated. - "eventquestbuilding_0" cannot be moved or sold, but allows you to do event quests. I'm not going to try every single building as that would take up too much of my time, but I wanted to try out the main buildings to see what would happen. I was unsuccessful with getting limited island themes, another thing I was trying to obtain. I ended up getting limited edition dragon / pedestal bundles instead, one of them was even a set of a dragon and decorations. If changing the listing to bundle sets is possible, I wonder if it is even possible to force a reward dragon egg, the same kind that you would get on the last day of the daily reward calendar, or winning a dragon draw, with Regular -> Twin -> Twin Rift progression of eggs similar to Egg Of Mystery, but always that same dragon.
  16. Hmm, yeah, I still can't seem to be getting it. Problem is, all of my devices are Mac's and iPhones, and the only way for me to play the Android version of Dragonvale is using the Nox emulator. I downloaded it from the play store, but maybe it gave me 32-bit version instead. I think I give up for now. I've tried following, but nothing seems to be working for me. Maybe I'll come back to this video in the future, or maybe someone else can make a better version, or maybe if someone can successfully hack wishes. Thanks for your help anyway, very appreciated
  17. Ok, I've just tried this at home, and I am stuck at this part. I don't see any purple values like what was shown in the video. I tried to follow everything, but I don't know if I'm missing to do something.
  18. Wow, thank you so much for this! I’ll check it out when I get home from work and I’ll report back if I’m able to pull it off.
  19. Even something like this would be awesome. Yeah, if you're able to take the time and post a tutorial for this when you're free, that would be highly appreciated. I wonder if I would be able to get a Twin, Regular Rift, or Twin Rift of any Dragon / Egg Pedestal I desire? That would be so cool if I could do that, and it would save me the hassle of having to hack Ethereum and buy thousands of Egg of Mystery's. I'm also especially interested in getting limited habitats that are no longer in the game, like the Giant Light and Dark Reward Habitats, Harmonious, etc. Getting wishes requires logging on everyday at 2PM UTC. I tried logging on right before that time and changing the value right when the interval changes from 41/100 to 42/100, to 100/100, but the game refreshed itself because double magic was over. Maybe it might work when the game does not transition from Single/Double magic events. You need to click the Friends icon, then the Chest icon and then see if there's anything like with the wish counter or daily timer.
  20. Hello, I have been playing dragonvale for more than 12 years. Ever since 2015, Dragonvale introduced this new building called the wishing well. Once you log on for 100 consecutive days, you get what is called a "wish". You can use this to obtain almost everything ever released in the game. Now, I know how to hack Gems, Dragoncash, Event Currency and Ethereum, but due to both the rarity, and the fact that everything in the wish store cost exactly 1 "wish", finding the exact address of that value would be extremely difficult. And there's also the fact that you have to play for so many days before you can receive a wish. So this is my request. What kind of method can be used to get as many wishes as we'd like?
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