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  1. Hi I have a question how can I search a dump address for example gg.toast("EXTRACTING RESULT 100K") gg.searchLibrary(libunity.so", gg.TYPE_BYTE) gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) gg.selectResults(100000) gg.extractResults(/emulated/storage/0/notes/dump1) gg.toast("EXTRACTING RESULT 200K") gg.selectResults(100000) gg.extractResults(/emulated/storage/0/notes/dump2) gg.toast("EXTRACTING RESULT 300K") gg.selectResults(100000) gg.extractResults(/emulated/storage/0/notes/dump3) That is just an example, it's about 17 million results and address change every time you restart the game so making it into a script would help alot, but I don't know how, can anyone please help me, AND THANKS FOR DOES WHO HELP.
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