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  1. as the title of the post. can anyone help me hack this game resources? this is a pretty good game in my country recently.
  2. First of all, I would like to thank you for your reply. - problem 1 I understood. - problem 2: For example: . - I have a file (name.lua) in memory. content: -- GameOffline - In my Script file there is the following condition (I don't know how to present it) i = GameOffline If the content of file name.lua is different from (i), it will exit and vice versa.
  3. Hi everybody. (I use translator to translate into English) I'm learning script writing for the game Guardian as well as LUA programming. I have some questions that I hope someone can answer and help me with. Problem 1: I have a paragraph like this Date = "20240730" date = os.date("%Y%m%d") if date >= Date then print([[⚠ SCRIPT EXPIRED ⚠]]) return end gg.alert("WELCOME") In principle, it will expire at 00:00 on July 30, 2024. But if at 23:58 . Jul 29, 2024 I'm running a script, will it exit on the 30th or will the script continue? problem 2: Please help me write a scripts to view files and compare file contents. If the file content is different from the content I specified in the scripts, access to the script will be denied. -- For example: I have file read.txt with content: <gameoffline = "offline" gameonline = "online"> In scripts I want to specify If gameoffline = "offline" gameonline = "online" then continue, otherwise the scripts will exit I hope everyone can help me with the 2 issues above. Thank you very much.
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