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Everything posted by verserk

  1. yep, using 1.2.9 version and it still didn't work, the error message kept coming up, I tried using chatgpt to see if there was something wrong (I'm not very experienced with this), """fixed it""" but it still doesn't activate or modify the number of loads or get_isguild after save and load multiple times
  2. Script finalizado: ⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚ ⧚⧚⧚ Script Created With ⧚⧚⧚ Il2CppDumper Toolbox Free ⧚⧚⧚ ⧚⧚⧚ By BadCase ⧚⧚⧚ ⧚⧚⧚ Website ⧚⧚⧚ BadCase.org ⧚⧚⧚ ⧚⧚⧚ Telegram Group ⧚⧚⧚ t.me/BadCaseDotOrgSupport ⧚⧚⧚ ⧚⧚⧚ Donate With PayPal ⧚⧚⧚ paypal.me/BadCaseDotOrg ⧚⧚⧚ ⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚ Error de guión: luaj.n: /storage/emulated/0/dump/LifeInAdventure_1_2_9.lua:174 ` for i,v in pairs(script_functions[file_ext]) do` bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (nil: table expected, got nil) (global 'pairs') level = 1, const = 25, proto = 0, upval = 1, vars = 9, code = 81 CALL v0..v1 v0..v2 ; PC 8 CODE 0101001D OP 29 A 0 B 2 C 4 Bx 1028 sBx -130043 stack traceback: /storage/emulated/0/dump/LifeInAdventure_1_2_9.lua:174 in function 'bchome' /storage/emulated/0/dump/LifeInAdventure_1_2_9.lua:217 in main chunk [Java]: in ? at luaj.ap.a(src:265) at luaj.ap.t(src:343) at luaj.lib.BaseLib$pairs.a_(src:674) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:544) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:533) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at android.ext.Script.d(src:6056) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(src:5785)
  3. a doubt, how? Every time I try to open it they come up with big numbers like 90000, -132,182,018, etc.
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