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    Mi 9t pro

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  1. I am trying to create a "no shadows" for a game, I tried using game guardian it works but it is very detectable, I saw many videos that managed to do it using obb/data files but I don't really know where to start. I would appreciate it if you could help me
  2. Well, I tried to modify the texture in some way to make them purple, but it didn't work out very well. I also mentioned that when I modify the 2.0 value of the video region it also works, it's just that the game detects anomalies on my system
  3. d***, thank you very much for responding. That will help me understand how it works better, but I was referring to Android games and only using a phone, I used game guardian to find the wallhack value (2.0f in video memory) it works but it is unstable and very easy to detect, comparison of other memory regions (in my experience)
  4. I'm also curious about how I can modify the body color, but for Unreal Engine games I would greatly appreciate if you would answer me.
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