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boltjames last won the day on June 14 2024

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  1. Hello It's great that your wife is enjoying GameGuardian (GG) on her Galaxy Tab A8. You’ve done a lot to set it up, but there's an issue with ammo stacking. This could be due to the game or script versions not being compatible, incorrect memory range settings in GG, root access or security settings interfering, or potential compatibility issues with Android 14.
  2. Hi, This is Marcos Andrew, and I am new to this forum. I am excited to join the Game Guardian community and explore all the great content here. I have a lot of interest in game modifications and learning new techniques. As a newcomer, I have a different-different type questions about how to navigate the forum and where to post my queries. Could anyone please guide me on the best way to please ask questions and which sections are appropriate for different topics? I want to make sure I follow the forum rules and post in the right places. Thank you Best regards, Marcos Andrew
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