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    Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro

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  1. MrSx

    script using offset

    offset from lib (#75r4o38c)
  2. I see, some same hacks are can be found in A and Xa. Are they connected? If they are, how can I find it which hack conntected to which class?
  3. Try givig 777 with terminal. First text "su" and grant Shell root. Then text "su chmod 777 <folder>" if it doesnt work try it mannualy from mt manager again after chmod process
  4. Try searching key words like currency, speed, ammo or whatever you're trying to find, if the class/method names are encrypted no much idea. If you want to find known value, just calculate offset and search in dump.cs
  5. For first quesiton use gg.refineNumber("10;40", gg.TYPE_DWORD) or use gg.refineNumber("9", gg.TYPE_DWORD, gg.SIGN_NOT_EQUAL) For second question you can use something like that gg.searchNumber("93", gg.TYPE_DWORD) local res = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) for i, v in ipairs(res) do res[i] = { address = v.address + 0x0, flags = gg.TYPE_QWORD } end gg.loadResults(res)
  6. Use il2cpp dumper Android?
  7. MrSx

    Submenu !

    If I understand true, try with gg.setVisible(true)
  8. Well, I dont understand anything but just crate a folder in Internal Storage then copy scripts into this folder. In GG press execute button and come into that folder. And choose your script, if you dont know how to transfer files, donwload from emulator or just drag them onto emulator.
  9. MrSx

    XOR Values Doesnt Match

    Yes, now its giving true value, thanks. Thanks acka, its working well too.
  10. MrSx

    XOR Values Doesnt Match

    No, I tried to change weapon damage, but I found a way to edit, not a perfect way but it works well, I searched for which value I want and copied the XOR from there.
  11. MrSx

    Values on a PC Emulator

    I've edited directly lib at game's root folder, with an hex editor and it worked . This is the solution.
  12. Its possible but not with GameGuardian.
  13. Did you set-up with 64 bit or 32 bit option?
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