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  1. Hey, so I was wondering if anybody could tell me if there is anything useful in this game data I found. Specificly, this game has this pick 4 mouse mini game where they show you 4 chest; 3 of them have a prize, one of them has a mouse, you pick the mouse and its game over. Wonding of anybody could understand this code. Here is the file I found: {"redirect":[30,0,31,1,32,2,33,0,34,0,35,1,36,0,37,0,38,0,39,2,40,2,41,0,42,2,43,3,44,2,45,1,46,2,47,2],"paths":{"24":["texture/stage_gold_bg",2,1],"25":["texture/stages_mask",2,1],"26":["texture/mouse_lose",2,1],"27":["prefab/popups/FourCasesWelcomePopup",4],"20":["prefab/popups/FourCasesPopup",4],"21":["texture/light/light_2",2,1],"22":["anim/chest_and_mouse_rare",2,1],"23":["texture/stages_bg_!no_pvr!",2,1],"28":["texture/light/light_1",2,1],"29":["texture/last_stage_bg",2,1],"1":["texture/light/light_1",3],"0":["texture/last_stage_bg",3],"3":["texture/light/light_2",3],"2":["texture/stages_mask",3],"5":["anim/chest_and_mouse_rare",3],"4":["texture/stage_bg",3],"7":["texture/arrow_stages",3],"6":["texture/reward_bg",3],"9":["texture/mouse_lose",3],"8":["texture/stage_gold_bg",3],"11":["texture/arrow_stages",2,1],"10":["texture/stages_bg_!no_pvr!",3],"13":["prefab/FourCasesStage",4],"12":["texture/reward_bg",2,1],"15":["prefab/popups/FourCasesQuitPopup",4],"14":["prefab/FourCasesElement",4],"17":["texture/stage_bg",2,1],"16":["anim/chest_and_mouse_rare",0],"19":["prefab/popups/FourCasesFailPopup",4],"18":["anim/chest_and_mouse_rare",1]},"name":"four_cases_rare","packs":{"02b1a61c4":[0,11,12,13,14,1,2,15,3,4,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,5,6,25,7,26,27,28,8,9,29,10]},"encrypted":true,"versions":{"import":["02b1a61c4","5e644"],"native":[0,"c8061",1,"59d95",2,"50eba",3,"78265",4,"efecf",5,"81a5a",6,"09d98",7,"085c9",8,"f22fa",9,"6004d",10,"69e27"]},"scenes":{},"debug":false,"isZip":false,"uuids":["00Xm2vOPlHw6Bi/rXDs2iV","3bis11WElOP5lXCy62Sd/1","4eQFv7TEJLpI+Z3uUcBkrC","579qyUNvBLpI/Goh0fLk9m","5b0PXym2FPdZXM5YUj+4Fb","bdfV289OxPcZe2svVxWXcF","c01vNmTe1AXasWj71AiVhZ","cdrGXKKpVL47Tt4GihIKKo","e8HaIcUqVI3pQ3dAAQ7gnC","ec5VgzvS1H/YR9XvbItFcE","feKKQ2Y9lHN7uO/lPIXTPK","03f5ArOgJOXpWeDB44SQl7","0dLVe3OWdKJ4Yg0uEa48tI","1akGHrLrNNzLG/IkcyHZ6+","35ddf1ah5MvLQDXAUrHaxd","53SBwRUtNAFolNPwvyqzO5","5cFNTc/UxNW46MllLLeQzG","7ajwhLcv1ACra+0NvtHPUe","7ayIfNfGhK36MKgkTImJVR","7cj9wwxktFUZI4SCbbBToe","7d2J2ojYBIxKGEdjUHKsu5","84armc7qNM8LdHipUFsAJI","90yhsJb1RHSLrA2vdSKU3a","9e416fWvxFsbPFymiDpGX/","b97uG92uBEpJ+L5JIrcu35","c7aMuQ5gdMlouNhSiAti9Z","d5/Z+0oZBKbYfVS7Ux2pt8","d9oua2OsZJlbgGNjx/+/L7","dcUuP2x2ZBMb5S7AR3raPg","f96WfGN4pI2Z1anfpKXvGJ","04xKAHAlxK2aRGxBOZ82dL","3ae7efMv1CLq2ilvUY/tQi","4aV3E3mzpKwIX8vVhuHa7P","53tluf1c5P2orkDxoS+5Tm","72MFMx2iVE7pYH3xtoyTpL","7a/QZLET9IDreTiBfRn2PD","7e2nCNwA5Jp6EmpBEW6cls","83yEl2je9Mr56pk7RAS3Gt","98PXGqLMFOZZNp8X4keujV","a4/XtwBy5PRoz1uxIFSgIO","b6CjunJo5CE6lM83YCUtsn","b845rNjjZMOIJjN1+t6ooE","d32YQ335BAdK332OPqwPM1","d4+H2vKNFCdpau4h7rY2A8","dcb0LpfdJJI5v4feFO+9dP","ecpdLyjvZBwrvm+cedCcQy","fapIHrGrBFOrosAPORlGj+","ff6Jt50xxGu7AgcwM/KZGq"],"deps":["main_resources","internal","main_bundle","main_anim"],"nativeBase":"native","importBase":"import","types":["cc.TextAsset","sp.SkeletonData","cc.SpriteFrame","cc.Texture2D","cc.Prefab"]}
  2. It shouldn't take that much time. You just buy the level 6 building of what ever material your currently on and merge them over and over again.
  3. Not right now. I'm playing for swagbucks and I don't want the method to get patched. Check back with me in 60 days.
  4. I figured out how to hack energy and gems. Could not figure out a way to hack stars but once you have unlimited energy/gems their is no reason too.
  5. I tried to hack the energy and gems. Both times it reset them to zero.
  6. I tried and failed. There are two cookies for offline, one to claim and one to claim if you watch an add. I could not find the claim one in e-double but I found the watch ad to claim in e-double. I changed it but it still gave me the amount I was suppose to receive. I searched both the numbers on screen and the numbers on screen x2
  7. How did you get it to work? I've been trying for like an hour.
  8. Personally I have been unable to hack it. Hackijg xp specifically. But as far as gems, energy and gold there is a mod floating around that gives you all that when you buy in game. Example: an island cost 899 gems. Been though you only have 1 gem you buy the island and now you have 900 gems. Same with gold and energy
  9. What do you mean? I did it so I guess the answer is yes.
  10. It took me a while, but I have successfully hacked this game. Anybody interested hmu
  11. Hey I'm really new to using GG. I have successfully been able to use it in a couple games but I am having trouble with just kill me 3. I know I it's hackable and I tried to follow another form discussion on it but I get lost in the explanation. I was wondering if somebody could help me find the in game currency and how to change it. Ibhave a random save file that I have been testing things with and I can find it on that one but everything is already unlocked and I want to mod a new save file. Thank you
  12. I'm not sure if I fully understand this question or not, but I kinda of have an answer for you. Tapjoy tracks by advertising ID and when you clone an advertising I'd either in work mode or in a virtual space you will have a new advertising id, so if you start the offer on your phone and complete it in a virtual space it will not count the progress for the correct ID. Tapjoy will not let me start offers in a virtual space. I have to start offers on my work profile I create with an app called islands. If you can sign in the app with Facebook or google, and the offer is something like get to level 5, 10, 15, ect....what you can do it start the app on your phone. Create a virtual rooted virtual space, download and sign into the app. Play for levels 1-4 and when you are about to complete level 5, switch over to your real phone and complete the level. Then you can hop back on the virtual space and complete 6-9 and hop back On your phone to complete level 10. Again, I don't quiet understand what your asking, but i feel like my answer might lead you in the right direction to what you are trying to accomplish.
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