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  1. Name of Game: hunting sniper Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.europe.huntingsniper What cheats: money, gems, medals, score(ingame) Have you tried cheating this game? Yes I tried to hack coins and gems and score and boxes all of them reversed at some point, but the weird thing is that some values stay until restarted, for example i tried using group search to value to buy bullets and changed it to negtive number which worked and i could buy stuff with my gems but when i go into a game all my gems and stuff bought restart(i think they are serversided but i never seen this type of change)
  2. Name of Game: TFT : TeamFight Tactics Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.riotgames.league.teamfighttactics What cheats: gold(ingame), health(ingame), coins, treasure tokens Have you tried cheating this game? Yes I tried to hack health and coins but they don't change(i am assuming these values are serversided)
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