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  1. Hello, i am reversing a game with IDA and I need to but it seems we can’t start the game but only attach to it and the code part I want to reverse is at the very start of the game so the breakpoint is not reached. I was wondering if it’s possible to automatically attach then freeze the game with gameguardian so I could have the time to attach debugger to the game or maybe finding a workaround for what I want to do. Thanks !
  2. Tysm for sharing that but I am trying to dump it myself. I started finding new name for exported functions with ida
  3. Hello, What dumper do you use? Thank you!
  4. Hello, I try to dump libil2cpp.so and global-metadata.dat from a game called Critical Ops but I can’t. I tried decompiling the apk (from apkpure) taking the needed file in there but they are invalid for il2cpp dumper. I also tried Zygisk il2cpp dumper to dump it from memory but the Game crash. Also tried libil2cppdumper.so that I put in the game’s apk and executed in MainActivity’s smali file but same thing it always crashs the game. I even froze the game to prevent it from crashing but it crash anyways Finally I tried with gameguardians scripts to dump il2cpp but they are invalid like the first method I used. I think the 2 files are encrypted and then they are decrypted at the very start of the game but the put a protection to detect memory reading at location of these 2 files or something like that and then they are freed of the memory so I can’t dump them with gg scripts. Thank for reading me and I hope someone can help me!
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