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  1. Any reason for them to disappear on my end?
  2. Hello, I uninstalled an app to test if I could hack it all over again. It's offline, but ads do crash the entire app. So anyways, beforehand I got cheats to work in the game Digiment https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bugbomb.digiment But now, when I try to find the blocks to change their value in DWORD, it won't show up? Anyone know why all the sudden something stops being hackable? It was only 1 day ago that I could find the values, but now I can't. Appreciate any help.
  3. So I just got into this, and I've dumped the files and searched for levels. I can't seem to find a tutorial on what I should be looking for/at. Would love to learn how to do this kind of thing on my own. The current game I'm looking for cheating the levels is https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.spcomes.pspy
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