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Everything posted by kboy

  1. kboy

    Day R Survival

    can you tell me how you use those?
  2. kboy

    Day R Survival

    There's a super armor? and speed hack? I got banned a few times when I just started too but I loaded cloud save and it took me to before I got banned
  3. kboy

    Day R Survival

    I also can't find correct pointers it has never worked for me
  4. kboy

    Day R Survival

    for me it gives me a bunch of different pointers when I use offset 100 I don't get values when I use 0
  5. kboy

    Day R Survival

    but it did hack my perks tho
  6. kboy

    Day R Survival

    sorry it won't let me screen rec but I can send ss hope it helps you'll have to play around yourself to find out all it can do also can you tell me how to hack lvl and if you found a way to hack perks?
  7. kboy

    Day R Survival

    dang I never thought about that your so smart thx as for the unrandomizer part don't worry I figured it out after a while if you don't understand it and want to learn more read this
  8. kboy

    Day R Survival

    Never mind I figured it out for those who want to know more about unrandomizer it is that dice icon in the main search tab it basically changes variables to constants meaning any random events or chance based action becomes fixed to the number you set for eg in day r if I set unrandomizer to 100 then anything chance based becomes certain you could use this for guaranteed caps from ads or jackpot in base casinos but it is not advised to keep it on as it does have bad sides like only finding one type of Item when searching and obstacles in battle mode are a guaranteed miss it's a guaranteed hit when you have a clear shot tho
  9. kboy

    Day R Survival

    could you tell me how unrandomizer works?
  10. kboy

    Day R Survival

    About this it will increase your overall cd but It's fine as long as you don't let it get too high and It's perfect for people who don't play that long so it'll even out when you get back
  11. kboy

    Day R Survival

    GUYS I JUST DISCOVERED SOMETHING AMAZING you can use time jump to skip chat cd for all those non-preems out there suffering from cd I got you
  12. kboy

    Day R Survival

    Do you know if it's patched? also could you tell me the page I'm new here so I don't really understand thx in advance
  13. kboy

    Day R Survival

    How to hack lvl pet lvl and caps?
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