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BloodMoonScript last won the day on July 16 2024

BloodMoonScript had the most liked content!


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  • Android
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    Red Magic 6R

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    yanderemylove #0000

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  1. Use Zygisk dumper or fake lib dumper
  2. So make script for 32
  3. It work. Then u just write code wrong If u change 5 float to 15 float, and u want back this value to 5(from revert) then u need write search 15 Float, get results, and write this code
  4. U mean it? if revert ~= nil then gg.setValues(revert) end
  5. U want make anti rename script? Better use server time check
  6. 1. Script will exit when u launch again(in 07/30), but if u launch 07;29 in 23:58 and will play with script all this time, then when will 07/30 in 00:00 ur script not exit automatically, only when u launch script again 07/30, but maybe u mean something other, idk 2. Idk what u mean
  7. 00 00 80 D2 C0 03 5F D6 | 64 bit C0 03 5F D6 | return / 64 bit but I advise you to find another method(offset)...
  8. the main thing is to change the target version to 26(GG), and if u cant get root on this devices, then just use virtuals what support A14
  9. Use Zygisk dumper or fake lib
  10. It can be Byte/Dword value, but u can just easy find it using dump.cs, well change method to 1 int
  11. Maybe game protection? Like if u want hack Honkai Star Rail or ZZZ, so without module shamiko u cant search value
  12. If u use virtual like Vphonegaga so y can just put 10 android or download Virtual space li DualMeta, Gspace, Dualspace and etc
  13. BloodMoonScript


    if it's a damage calculator or something like that, then it all depends on what type it is and arm C8 02 44 E3 1E FF 2F E1 - 100 Float / 32 bit 37 00 A0 E3 1E FF 2F E1 - 50 int / 32 bit
  14. Change target SDK to 26
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