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  1. It not easy like that, xp is depend on milliseconds in 5 secs it possible to get 100-200 xp I can't really find it in 1 sec but xp is really depend on time in game too so I think I need to find a value of time in game to hack this game and change xp after end of stage But I really can't find it with fuzzy research, I find it 69m and I try to find until there only 29 value but I still not find xp value or time in game value TT
  2. I have this file that someone told me it is exp hack file but I don't know how to use and don't know what is this when I click to read file, Can some one help me UnlockConditionxp.djb
  3. I need to create xp hack likes run 10 sec I will get 100 exp I need to change or make it be 10 secs get 50,000 exp like this
  4. Hi, just need to know something I have played Cookie run kakao and I need to know how to find distance value or time playing in stage because XP from this game it use distance or playing time in stage to calculate XP when stage end I tried to use fuzzy research but it have so much that I don't know the value if I change it wrong the game will insanity crash Can someone help me about this lesson?
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