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  1. avrollyy

    using offset finder

    Hello, I am using offset finder, but none of the values I change have any effect on the game. and the value I search comes up in thousands. Example: I want to find this value There is so much value, but as a result nothing changes or the game closes. If anyone wants to help, I will pay whatever the fee is. .i
  2. avrollyy

    Menu Script

    Hello friends, I want to make a mod with many functions like the photo I sent. Can you share a script that can be a resource for me? I'm looking at some of them to research, but they're all encrypted.
  3. have a nice day. What I want to do is I have a few addresses. These naturally change when the game is closed and opened. gg.setVisible(false) gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) gg.searchNumber("1.5 ; 0.3", gg.TYPE_DOUBLE) gg.refineNumber(0.3 , gg.TYPE_DOUBLE) gg.getResults(10) I use this and find the values I want. But I need to do a different search using their addresses. For this I have to use the function here. I have 3 values. I want to find the 1.2 numbers out of 10000 distance to their address. and I want to do this on lua script.
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