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Everything posted by Yelay12

  1. Yelay12

    Slowing Group search

    Thank you very very much.I'm finding that script.
  2. Yelay12

    Slowing Group search

    My values are first is 210 and second is 30 TYPE_DOUBLE each. Offset distance between these values is 12 decimal number.X searching results for first will be approximately 500 and Y results for second get probably approximately 300 results.These results are not same one time to another time.Resultscount can be change every time. Please can you help me for this case.
  3. Yelay12

    Slowing Group search

    When i search as groupsearch,I get results is slower than normal search. Can i search as twice this two value and do offset with offset distance. if i know this two values and offset distance.How to write my script instead of group search. Please help with your great experience.
  4. Thank bro.
  5. @CmP Bro, Do you have any idea for my searchresults to get. I want to search value within the 7 to 700 range and that value divided by 7 is with remainder zero. Please help and how to write script.Thank.
  6. Thank for your answer.
  7. Thank for your answer. My game hasn't many result for this 100 search results only 10k - 20k total.
  8. @kiynox bro i have another question for alert. gg.alert() function is running when above if condition even is false.Why? Please.Thank
  9. Thank bro for your replies.I will try this
  10. When Value of Type_DOUBLE divide with any number i get zero reminder. example, value = 43.0 divide by 2, get reminder is 0. I want to get reminder 1 in script for above example. How to do it. Please help.Thank.
  11. I want to know search results multiple tables(in following code) concatenate into only one Table.Please help me how to write script and combine followed script. Thanks. --Code is here gg.setRanges(-2080896) search = {} v = 1 for i = 7,700,7 do search[v] = i v = v + 1 end print(search[1]) res = {} for i = 1, 100 do gg.searchNumber(search[i], gg.TYPE_DOUBLE) res[i] = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) gg.clearResults() end
  12. Yelay12

    Name Change Script

    Thank bro
  13. Yelay12

    Name Change Script

    Please help me.I'ld like to change Name with script like attached photo. How to write script please.
  14. Yelay12

    to encrypt

    This following code is not encrypt.Why? This real code is run and get result,but after encryption any tool don't give me any result. What is an error have in code. gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER) gg.setVisible(false) gg.searchNumber(577590521975799816, gg.TYPE_QWORD) HackersHouse = gg.getResults(250000) Offsets = {} Offsets['FirstOffset'] = {} Offsets['FinalResults'] = {} OffsetsIndex = 1 for index, value in ipairs(HackersHouse) do Offsets['FirstOffset'][OffsetsIndex] = {} Offsets['FirstOffset'][OffsetsIndex].address = HackersHouse[index].address + -4 Offsets['FirstOffset'][OffsetsIndex].flags = gg.TYPE_QWORD OffsetsIndex = OffsetsIndex + 1 end Offsets['FirstOffset'] = gg.getValues(Offsets['FirstOffset']) OffsetsIndex = 1 for index, value in ipairs(Offsets['FirstOffset']) do if (Offsets['FirstOffset'][index].value == 34494219441) then Offsets['FinalResults'][OffsetsIndex] = {} Offsets['FinalResults'][OffsetsIndex] = Offsets['FirstOffset'][index] OffsetsIndex = OffsetsIndex + 1 end end for index, value in ipairs(Offsets['FinalResults']) do Offsets['FinalResults'][index].address = Offsets['FinalResults'][index].address + -8 Offsets['FinalResults'][index].flags = gg.TYPE_DOUBLE end gg.loadResults(Offsets['FinalResults'])
  15. Yelay12

    to encrypt

    i would like to encrypt following file.I have get error after encryption with many tool. please help me HeroMode Wave Value.lua
  16. Yelay12


    Thank you
  17. Yelay12


    local x = 1.0 local y = 700.0 gg.searchNumber(x~y, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0x5000000000, 0x8fffffffff, 0) --[[What is wrong in above script i want to search between x and y value but i had result is searching x plus y value. please help me what is wrong ]]
  18. I have an error in my script.When i second function "BACK" 'OK' and then first function "Exit" 'Cancel', this script is show error like follow error code. Please help me where is error in my script. Please see attach file my script. (Script ended: Script error: luaj.o: /storage/emulated/0/VMOSfiletransferstation/helprequest.lua:13 `if menu[3] == true then` attempt to index ? (a nil value) with key '3' (global 'menu') level = 1, const = 17, proto = 0, upval = 1, vars = 5, code = 35 GETTABLE v0 v0 3 ; PC 28 CODE 00434007 OP 7 A 0 B 0 C 269 Bx 269 sBx -130802 stack traceback: /storage/emulated/0/VMOSfiletransferstation/helprequest.lua:13 in function 'START' /storage/emulated/0/VMOSfiletransferstation/helprequest.lua:66 in main chunk [Java]: in ? at luaj.LuaValue.f(src:989) at luaj.LuaValue.c(src:2864) at luaj.LuaValue.i(src:2767) at luaj.LuaValue.w(src:1094) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:363) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:533) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at android.ext.Script.d(src:6056) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(src:5785)) requesthelp.lua
  19. Yelay12

    Calculation error

    when i multiply value so big.Result is wrong.Please help me what is wrong result.
  20. Yelay12

    Calculation error

    local input=gg.prompt({"input first value။"},{"9223372036854775000"}) local input1=gg.prompt({"input second value။"}) mpy = tonumber(input[1]) * tonumber(input1[1]) gg.alert('result; "'..mpy..'" ', 'copy') gg.copyText(mpy)
  21. thank you
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