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Everything posted by kotako

  1. I want change gmail account, but dont have already access to my ... Test gmail account (it was created to check the ban in another game, and now it has already been deleted from the device) i want change it, but dont have any password for gmail/game guardian forum, can some from admin help me? to verify your identity, you can write to me in discord..
  2. This game look like server-side
  3. Here i can send Try both(dont pay attention to unity, it works for ue4 too) AutoFinderBasicUnityValueV4.su.lua Time Hack Unity.lua
  4. Better find Engine time manually, dont use time hack build in gg i can send script if u want
  5. Can u explain more detail, u need create XP hack or write XP hack to script?
  6. If game dont have offset obfuscarion, its easy Try search "hacker" "invalidspeed" "loghack" and etc
  7. Use libil2cpp.so in below, im so understand u use BlueStacks? I have same problem with it on ba
  8. Maybe there protection Try find encrypt value For example : 444444 =1 444445 =2 Or try look on 2(x) and 3(x²) line up from your main value and freeze (main value and x / x²) then try spend some money and check crash And u can use offsets for hacking
  9. Well, bypass anti cheat using offset Or try use not direct receipt of currency Try find some calculator.. or smth else(daily reward and etc)
  10. Thx Thx too
  11. Gg have clearResults() but its clear only value in Search, any way how to clear value in save?
  12. Well, u can dump game lib and get dump.cs with offsets Then u need find offsets Then go to gg Click ln iii (inverted to the left) choice big arrow , Click to Xa, find library what u dump, choice this library, then you clamp the offset calculator and put here offsets without 0x, then change value to mov w0, #0x1 (64 bit) And line below to RET(64 bit)
  13. Sorry, but i didnt find file "file download " section
  14. I'm not sure it's necessary to ask here, but.. I tried to put the script in "cheat" section, but my post was momentaly deleted, so where i should upload script?
  15. Hi, i Create hack for this game(i dont know can i write link here to my telegram or no, that why i just add files here) BloodMoonSLA²(Libil2cpp).su.lua
  16. Try find offsets with name "hack", "detection" and etc, or edit "secondary" value like getting gold and etc
  17. Hi, try make game dump and find offsets like "HasPremium" and etc
  18. kotako

    Offsets and hex

    I found
  19. these are most likely server-side values. try to change the number of coins you receive or remove the "removing coins" via offset
  20. Dont use GG speed hack, a lot of game easy detect it And if u didnt use GG speed hack, then try bypass anti cheat 1. Try find in address(when u go to by time) 2 Dword numbers what change to UP every second and put it to 0 and freeze 2. Try find anti cheat offsets(get_invalidTime), (TimeHacker), (Hacker) and etc then change it to Mov w0, wzr (64 bit) Ret (64 bit) Try hack it using this script(if game on Unity) - AutoFinderBasicUnityValueV4.lua
  21. most likely you transferred the apk file in virtual machine? Well, u need download the APK file itself, but not so that it is automatically installed
  22. kotako

    Offsets and hex

    is there any hex so that you can put the number in the negative? For example, the damage is -99999999, not +, and - or any way how to create offset value to -
  23. Try Use module Shamiko / hma in magisk
  24. Try use Vphonegaga
  25. kotako

    Device ban

    Vphonegaga(and virtual master and all other what i know) cant use in psg2, it used to work, but when I got banned(gem hack), it is no longer possible to play on it (for any users) And factory reset ban option for me, i lost a lot of .. "Useful" information But as i know its really help, because my "friend" did it and it helped him
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