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APEXggV2 last won the day on March 15

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    Samsung S20 FE

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  1. Subway Surfers? that's the most popular hacked game ever.. there are probably a million scripts for that game. no point in me making any scripts for it.
  2. read the description... the web host is currently unavailable. I'm trying to resolve this issue with the admins
  3. Sssnaker isn't even in this script. so not sure what you want me to update exactly
  4. snake stats are not encrypted and are double type. however, editing stats (damage, health, firerate etc) will eventually cause your account to be banned.
  5. nah , that would be like making a mod.. with gg, you'll use the offsets from the dump. in gg get the start address of the lib, then offset to address containing the method you want to hack, then edit the op codes.. I have another script that let's you quickly test offsets from dump.. check my profile for script or telegram
  6. this is a default message generated by game guardian whenever any online request is going to be made.. my script is not encrypted and there is no malicious coding.
  7. this is a unity game, so you can easily get a dunp.cs file. In Class "VoodooSauce" there is a bool method "IsPremiumOrHasOngoingSubscriptions" , edit this to true, and it will disable all ads. I also have a free script for this game with a lot of great hacks. https://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/4052-online-mega-script-v04-100-free-not-encrypted-new-scripts-added-dailyweekly-apexggv2/
  8. -- set ranges -- clear results gg.searchNumber x=gg.getResulrs(gg.getResultsCount()) for i, v in ipairs(x) do v.address=v.address-0x1C end -- change 0x1C to your offset gg.loadResults(x) gg.refineNumber
  9. I had same problem with injustice 2, and when any currency was modified, it gave a server error.
  10. APEXggV2


    when the search prompt is open, tap the history button (looks like a circle made of an arrow) this will show a history of everything entered.
  11. yes. I have a script for this game. 64bit only though. it has a currency hack that works https://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/4052-online-mega-script-v04-100-free-not-encrypted-new-scripts-added-dailyweekly-apexggv2/
  12. it's definitely in that script. (I don't update the list on gg forum every time I add a new game)
  13. View File XOR Converter Encrypt / Decrypt / Get Key. Encrypt: Value + Key Decrypt: Xor Value + Key Get Key: Xor Value + Value Copy Result to clipboard. prints conversion history Submitter APEXggV2 Submitted 01/14/2025 Category Tools  
  14. APEXggV2

    XOR Converter

    Version 1.0.0


    Encrypt / Decrypt / Get Key. Encrypt: Value + Key Decrypt: Xor Value + Key Get Key: Xor Value + Value Copy Result to clipboard. prints conversion history
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