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  1. Whenever I try to install Game Guardian, it's says the file is corrupted. It does a half-a** install, but never does it ask me to grant permission to a Superuser. I trying to install on Bluestacks X. I have used Game Guardian in the past, but the emulator had an update, so I had to reinstall everything, but GG doesn't work on my game anymore. I have rooted the files in Bluestacks X, but I still can't get it to change values in my inventory in game. I have uninstalled and reinstalled GG, several times, but it never installs as shown in the instructions on your download page. It gets to about 66% and then pops to the start page, never asking for any permission. The Superuser Icons show up, but in game it just doesn't work. It does show that it changes the values in the GG app, but nothing changes in my game inventory. It doesn't seem to overwriting my game inventory like it use too. Also, I have disabled my virus protection, but that didn't help either. Is there anything else I can do? Never had this problem when I first started using GG.
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