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  1. I hadn't looked at the pass stuff yet, but there's a lot of info there. Are you saying you can automatically change the lumber pass to level 35? Would you mind sharing how? I looked through the dump.cs but couldn't find the class and offset that seemed to make sense.
  2. If you are doing that, are you just using the lumber pass and a ton of diamonds to get to the legendary chest over and over, and getting the trees and outfit items that way? I haven't had any luck increasing the number of trees from the tree chests. I also just tried changing the legendary chest to a premium tree chest (9 to 521) and it still gave me a legendary chest. I did try to mod the number of items the tree chest gave me, so maybe that messed something up, but I'm not sure.
  3. I can get some of them to work, but others do not. I tried changing the workshop chest to Legendary and it works, but if I try to change it to a deluxe chest or a tree chest it doesn't. Have you found any rhyme or reason to this?
  4. This is the one I use to get diamonds as well.
  5. One of the 14 managers in the game. There are 14 manager cards in your screenshots, one of which you don't have. The last one would make sense to be the Xmas manager, which is in the code and in the game, with the card you don't have, because you probably can't earn his card until they activate him with the next update or something.
  6. Maybe that's the Christmas manager the game Facebook page has been talking about coming soon.
  7. As Nahra mentioned, 0x110 is for 32 bit. He is using 32 bit, so all of the values he provides are 32 bit. You need to search through your 64 bit dump.cs to find the offset for 64 bit. Just to make sure I was following correctly, I created a 32 bit and 64 bit dump.cs, found the value he was providing and making sure the offset was what he said it was, then found the corresponding field/variable in the 64 bit dump and use that offset. The legendary managers is working for me (at least I think so, during my last legendary box (which you can also increase the numbers of when you do the ManagerCardsGenerator change), I got a bunch of different managers, but I'm not sure which ones would have been blocked otherwise.
  8. It is on the previous page, page 2. The offset finding script.
  9. I had trouble with Bluestack, but Memu is working well for me.
  10. You have been super helpful, thank you. I am using 64 bit, but I am checking the numbers you provide against 32 bit, and see the corresponding numbers for 64 bit. I was able to get the 998 to 999 cards working, which is pretty cool. I wasn't clear in my last request though. I see this modification would let you get all managers in the legendary chest, but I was really hoping to figure out how to get a legendary chest instead of a premium chest or something like that. It is very rare that I'm able to get a legendary chest. I have tried searching RewardValue, and changing all the rewardType to legendary chest, or legendary card, I have tried ManagerCardsGenerator and changing the SupervisorPool to Legendary, but I can't seem to figure it out. Thanks again for your help so far, and for any other info you can provide. I am learning a lot.
  11. Of course right after I post this I get a new update of the game to 1.8.7 and I can't get the diamond hack to work again. Even downloading and reinstalling 1.8.6 didn't fix it. Anyone else had this issue?
  12. I have been able to use Game Guardian to find the free diamond box and mod it to give lots of diamonds, and gave myself a ton of workshop lumber/nails/paint, but I haven't been able to find the legendary cards. I can't find any of the other boxes. The script no longer works to find the boxes. Has anyone figured out a way to get the legendary cards? I am working with the current version of the game. What I have been able to do already is pretty great, really the legendary cards is the only thing I am missing. Doing reputation would be helpful, but with unlimited diamonds and building materials its pretty quick to go through warehouse orders to add reputation.
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