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  1. https://docs.andronix.app/android-12/andronix-on-android-12-and-beyond i followed this steps to run 3 commands through the windows to disable phantom processes, but still doesn't have any green boxes inside the speed function. speedhack doesn't works.
  2. i have tried both scripts, i ticked all the boxes in autofinder, it told me to try 0.15,0.16 on float, i used timehack to search around 8-9 results, all are float 1.0, i changed and freezed to 0.15,0.16 and other random numbers, but nothing happened.
  3. It successfully found 9 results with all 1.0 float, however no matter what number i changed them, it still don't have any effect
  4. how to find? what kind of script? can you share to me? thanks
  5. I have three gaming phones: one is the RedMagic 6S Pro rooted with Android 11, another one is the ROG Phone 3 originally running Android 10 but upgraded to Android 12 and rooted. Both of them use the GG default speedhack, which also works fine on my UE4 games. However, the third one, which is the ROG Phone 7 rooted with Android 13, encounters an issue where GG fails to use the speed hack on the same games that the other two phones work with. The GG speedhack function displays all red boxes without any green box. Does anyone know what the problem is and how to fix it?
  6. @kiynox i have already downloaded termux app, and the game im playing is x64, so i have already downloaded the specific file :"ue4dumper64", now i need to know the gworld and gname address of the game in irder to type the right command in termux to generate the sdk, can you explain more detail of how to get gworld and gname through hex pattern and how to calculate offest in gg? Thanks
  7. @kiynox I clicked into the GitHub link of UE4Dumper that you gave me but i still don't understand which specific file i need to download to make it work
  8. Do u mean that it is impossible to change the game speed in a UE4 engine game by modifying memory values, and the only way to do so is through its internal speed hack
  9. @kiynox After restarted the game and using the same method to search for the speed value, I noticed that the addresses had slightly changed. I'm not sure why this happened.
  10. @kiynoxThx for your suggestion, I don't know how to use UE4 dumper, but I suddenly come up with another way to search, my goal is to enable speed hacking on my rooted Android 13 phone by editing its memory instead of using the internal speed hack. To achieve this, I attempted to modify the speed using the internal speed hack feature on my Android 11 phone, them I searched for the same speed value in the memory each time I made a change, such as x1, x2, x3. After several attempts, I found 30 results, which included 2 different addresses with 3 different types. However, whenever I tried changing the value to 2 or 3, it immediately reverted back to 1(Normal speed). Even when I used the freeze function, the value remained the same.
  11. @kiynox I wonder if I can identify the specific timer box that can accelerate the entire game process. Is it possible to use an alternative method, such as modifying the memory value, to speed up the game? I know this is possible in Unity games, but I'm unsure about UE4 games, and I don't know how to locate the speed value through memory.
  12. @kiynox But it's weird that my old Android 11 rooted phone works fine for speed hacking in the same game with all the same Game Guardian (GG) settings. I think there might be something wrong with Android 12-13 when it comes to GG speed hacking, considering that the latest version of GG was released two years ago, around the same time the latest Android version was 11. I hope @Enyby can fix this issue in the next patch of GG.
  13. @nok1a Hi, thank you for your reply, no matter whether the game APK is downloaded via a browser or directly from the Playstore for my rooted Android 13 phone, the Game Guardian (GG) internal speed hack does not display any green timer, except for the GG ball tester. However, on my rooted Android 11 phone, all different kinds of apps work with the GG internal speed hack, and it shows a full green timer. It is possible that the issue lies with the GG internal speed hack not supporting Android 13 or 12. now In my case, I use VPhoneGaGa/VMOS Pro on my Android 13 device to play games. However, I have noticed some touch latency compared to operating the original phone. VPhoneGaGa on Android 10 has issues with downloading apps via the Play Store, so I have resorted to using the Android 7 version.
  14. Another question,I have recently rooted my rog7 pro (android13) with magisk, gameguardian works fine, can be granted superuser, nothing shows error, i have tested on gg tester the speed hack works fine too, in the speed function (list of timers)can see a few green boxes means working, when i try other games like hill climb racing, doodle jump,changing money and gem value works fine too, however gg speed hack doesn't work, all the boxes in speed function shows red,but when i use vmos pro and try these same games with same gg setting, speed hack works, can see a few green boxes in speed function, is there anyone know what's the problem? Thanks
  15. I found a weird thing, gg speed hack works well with vmos,but with my root phone, gg speed hack doesn't work, it has the same speed value, i dont know why
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