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  1. Pick another game to hack not all games are hack able, many games can not be hacked for various reasons you just found 1 of them
  2. View File Offroad Adventure 4x4 Truck Games free trucks/currency Instructions in script Fresh game asks to buy truck don't load then restart For currency Then load free trucks Submitter Jamieq Submitted 01/22/2025 Category LUA scripts  
  3. Version 2.15


    Instructions in script Fresh game asks to buy truck don't load then restart For currency Then load free trucks
  4. View File Beach Buggy Racing-unlimited coinz/gemz Unlimited coins and gems Fresh game when picking car, load coins when picking drver,load gems Instructions in script Submitter Jamieq Submitted 01/21/2025 Category LUA scripts  
  5. Version 2024.10.12


    Unlimited coins and gems Fresh game when picking car, load coins when picking drver,load gems Instructions in script
  6. Very cool ,largest script I've seen Lots of exploring/ learning, thx
  7. I tried downloading bin while signed out of this site & noticed file doesn't have permissions, that makes sense, it is games bin ,I didn't realize, sorry, still good method to save ur games status bin as back up or ur hacked versions
  8. I don't understand what ur saying
  9. This 1 worked ,used to see if I can copy game status bin to storage download. I'm having a hard time finding or opening main game status bin (usually), I learn by trial & error or lucky enough to have a lua script with similar functions. local gg = require("gg") local function replaceGameStatus() local packageName = "com.fingersoft.hcr2" local originalPath = "/data/data/" .. packageName .. "/files/gamestatus.bin" local moddedPath = "/storage/emulated/0/Download/gamestatus.bin" if gg.getFile(originalPath) then gg.copyFile(moddedPath, originalPath) gg.alert("Game status file replaced successfully!") else gg.alert("Original game status file not found!") end end replaceGameStatus()
  10. The full script I'm trying to create is a game status bin replacement with modded game status bin in storage, download ,(for hcr2)
  11. Says can't open game status file I figured it out but had to write new script, still if anyone knows easy ways to accomplish this fuction I'll try
  12. This is script I wrote but won't read/ open file , need help local file = io.open("/storage/emulated/0/data/data/files/game_status.bin", "wb") if file then local status = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) for i, v in ipairs(status) do file:write(string.format("%s\n", v.value)) end file:close() gg.toast("Game status saved to Download folder.") else gg.toast("Failed to open file for writing.") end
  13. Download mt manager link below https://liteapks.com/mt-manager.html Install in rooted virtual machine of your choice- I use virtual master & add magisk & Superuser Download modded game status bin below gamestatus.bin Add modded game status bin in Download folder Left side of mt manager Open Download folder with Modded game status bin inside Right side go to Data, data, com.fingersoft ,files Left side Long press modded game status bin, copy , copy& replace Follow instructions Your replacing modded bin to data data com.fingersoft,files Start game , u may need update ,that's OK update Done , almost everything is maxed You now can make your own modded game status bin, just follow steps but with your hacked game Pic is modded game status bin
  14. View File Dragon Hills 2 --- 2 billion coins Load script when dragon's can be purchased Only use once or will minus out coins Submitter Jamieq Submitted 06/25/2024 Category LUA scripts  
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