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Everything posted by X-Line

  1. X-Line

    Please Help

    Ok, thanks for the clarification, I will try this method
  2. X-Line

    Please Help

    Please help with a video. I tried with Game Guardian to increase the money so that I could complete 2000km and 5000km, but I could not. I also tried to modify libil2cpp.so about Crave hex, but there is no change. Please help. Many people with us on the forum are suffering from the same problem.
  3. X-Line

    Please Help

    word and dword have the same value
  4. X-Line

    Please Help

    magnet miner
  5. X-Line

    Please Help

    Hello, I want help. If possible, convert the value of money from dword to QWORD and add 3 billion or 4 billion. Sometimes there is no change, sometimes the money in the game looks like this - 1000000E. The maximum I can add in Game Guardian is 2 billion, and I need at least a trillion to complete the rest of the levels in a game
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