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  1. @NoFearhelp
  2. sorry my english is very bad
  3. The first level is simple, I noticed that in all games from the same company it always starts with 10,000 points, so I manually completed the first level, I managed to complete it with 5,000 points, so the xp is double, for example block with 4 pieces=8xp block with 3 pieces=6xp
  4. I spent a lot of time trying to pass the level of this game, I developed a basic script to help me but I couldn't, could anyone help me finish it? I've been trying for 2 days I'll leave the script for you to download so you can try it too link game:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.leonet.deluxe.block.jewel.puzzle teste1.deluxe.lua
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