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    Memu, LDPlayer, Nox

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  1. @kiynox I found it from the website you provided: https://apkcombo.com/king-of-glory/com.tencent.tmgp.sgame/ Looks like I have been confusing the names for long, lol
  2. @kiynox Thank you for your response! I tried using "which modify/access the address" and also do a pointer scan, nothing returned. Seems something has been blocked. The game name is same ("honor of kings") but I'm playing on a Chinese version, not sure if the structure is same on the one you mentioned. The AOBscan I used is "E4 A2 00 00 00 00 00 00 E4 A2 00 00 00 01 00 00 * * * * * * * * E4 A2 00 00 00 00 00 00 E4 A2 00 00". It should return a unique result/address. If I use GG to search the address, the results will include the head of structure I'm looking for.
  3. @kiynox Hi, sorry I forgot to mention you and not sure if you got notification regarding my response above. To better illustrate the problem with CE, I have the example below to show how I locate the target structure for further cheating: 1. GG approach Search a unique value -> GG return one address eg. 80AA0000h -> Seach the address to see where it is called, and returns 80BB0000, and this address identifies the structure, done! 2. Using CE Search a unique value -> CE return one address but it is for sure different from 80AA0000h because it is physical address -> stuck there... I tried to use GG to search quickly before the game exits, and I can see the target address 80BB0000 is still pointing to 80AA0000, but I cannot decode the physical address returned by CE. Don't know how to solve it.
  4. Hi there, the game is called The Honor of Kings (CN). The way I hack it is that I know one value that is unique, I use GG to search it and I can find the address where it stores ( the address is from emulator). Then I search the address and can find the structure. But if I use CE, I can find the physical address, but I cannot decode what it should be inside the emulator. Hence I cannot go for the next step. I'm not sure if I'm being clear in my expression. Actually I noticedthat I have messaged you earlier about the same issue and you were recommending me using CE, lol.
  5. Hi, I'm using GG on Emulator (LDPlayer, Nox, Memu) and it seems not working recent after the game updated a few weeks ago. Probably their anti-cheat system upgraded and detect GG. I can add the game process ID to GG any time (before/after log on, any time), and it won't crash. However, once I start searching, the game exits after a few seconds, no matter searching returns values or not. I tried the following but not working: 1. insinde GG: 1)hide from game, check 1, 2, 3, and 4; 2) Bypass mode for ptrance: frozen or restore; 3) Prevent unload: Lv3. 2. Using HidemyApplist to hide GG (Magisk w/ Shamiko, LSPosed installed and HMA activated via LSPosed). I think I also tried installing GG in virtual space with VirtualXposed, but I'm not sure if my installation was correct or not. The game outside virtual space still exit once searching. I can try again if someone can guide me through that. If there is any other good way to prevent game exiting, please help, crying. Moreover, since I'm using Android emulator, I also tried Cheat Engine. It works for searching but I have problem cheating the game. I can find the location where the pointer is saved, but the pointer is pointing to an address inside the emulator (virtual memory address I think), and from outside I don't know how to map it... If some one is good at that, please help as well Thank you!
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