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    Redmi note 10s

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  1. Kewl! Now I hafta learn how to. Could You post a link with sum kinda guide/how to for dummies? ( as if there's any ><) Thanks in advance..!
  2. So, from what i understood, if theres, lets say, hourly bonus or something like that - basicaly A button wich i tap to give me currency - i can exploit it to boost my currency.. Did i got that right? PS im also interested in Zynga GoT slots.. im 98% sure, they use something like they used in Real Life in late 90's in my country to fix slots in pubs to rip off cash even more, with just a mere chance of win.. cm'on its an online game! well.. at least they have such attitude, to rip as much as possible from ppl.... so.. ima into payback mood X)
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