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Everything posted by qizhizhu

  1. Hi everyone,I'm encountering a error when using Il2CppDumper. My file is confirmed to be complete and from the correct game version. I've tried the latest Il2CppDumper version without success. Any insights on how to resolve this issue? Could it be related to file encryption or a specific metadata structure? Your help is greatly appreciated!System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key 'kIl2CppMetadataUsageInvalid' was not present in the dictionaryglobal-metadata.dat
  2. qizhizhu

    offset help!!

    Thank you very much for your response. I think I understand what you're saying. I've attempted these "fields" modifications, but it seems to only take effect in specific scenarios. How can I ensure that it remains effective consistently?
  3. qizhizhu

    offset help!!

    First, I need to clarify that my English is not very good, so the following content may appear like machine translation, and I ask for your understanding. Here's the issue I've encountered: I successfully dumped and obtained dump.cs. At the same time, I also found the method I wanted to modify the health points (HP). However, after making changes through offsets, both my character's HP and the monster's HP were set to zero. What I aim to achieve is to set the monster's HP to zero while keeping my character's HP unchanged. Can you please explain why this is happening? Below is the code I used for the modification: MOV X0, XZR RET
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