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  1. I found it! i know how to unlock cars now! i found the video which can explan how to unlock cars! The video says you just change the time of your phone to 2021year9month, and the sponsor pass will open again. And then, you just enter into the sponsor pass, when you get there, you will know how to do, use GG to do everything you want to do. Finally, this problem finally solved, thank you for helping me!
  2. I don't know what the cars code is. and i don't play the pvp mode, so i can't help you with these two things. i just tell you how to unlock cars. For example, you want to unlock this 'roadster r' car. first, you need to use ordered group search to search these all rating values of all the cars with dword. like these pictures. And then, the rating values of the car are 590, so you just edit it. after that, go up and check the lists, you will find a group lists of the car, and an other group lists of the next car. go on like this. find the difference between the car and the next car, because the next car is unlocked, there must be a difference between these two cars. when you find these things, you just find the answer, 0 is locked, 1 is unlocked, so you just change 0 to 1. the problem is solved. My English is no good, so i don't know you understand or not, but you could try a bit.
  3. OK, i really don't know how can i help you now......
  4. Maybe you need to watch this video. 真实赛车4视频安装教程 - Compressed with FlexClip.mp4
  5. I don't know what happened with you, but my device is going well, my device is android 11, xiaomi redmi k40. please try to follow my words: Do not put the 'com.ea.gp.rr4' folder of the zip file into 'Android/data/' first, the first step is to install the apks, and then,shut down the internet and run the game, when you see this picture, quit the game. And then, go to 'Android/data/' find the 'com.ea.gp.rr4' folder, and then delete it. After that, put the 'com.ea.gp.rr4' folder of the zip file into 'Android/data/', then open the internet and run the game, and see this picture 1 or 2 seconds, then shut down the game network immediately before you enter the game. Therefore, you should enter the game successfully. when you successful enter the game, next time you should always shut down the internet before you run the game. It should help you run the game, if you have any questions, feel free to ask, thank you very much.
  6. OK, I have tried you said, nothing happened. i just share you the apk. https://zvh4p-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/erhao_zvh4p_onmicrosoft_com/EWED9Zxkn8FCkZwCLdxNdzcBrLWf9gCmSGtbPqfUyYcHcQ?e=sIRiDm Because the game access period already has ended, when you first time enter the game, you must find the right time to close the game network. The key is, when you first time enter the game, you will see this picture, after 1 or 2 seconds, you must shut down the game network immediately before you enter the game. otherwise, you will have to restart again. Thank you for helping me.
  7. Thank you for your response. I used ordered group search to search the cars' trophies figure and i probably found the order of the cars. And, i tried to imitate the values, in the end, nothing changed. Could you give me some advice? I completely don't know how to do. thank you very much.
  8. These 3 cars say, 'Found in the sponsor pass'. But the menu says,'Tap here to collect it'. The point is,this game hasn't finished yet.can't tap it. I have seen these 3 cars be used by the NPC, So I want to use GG to unlock these 3 cars, but i really don't know how to do it. Many time ago, I played the other game call:"carx highway racing", The same thing happened here. Because the game still hadn't finished, some cars had been blocked. And, I tried to use GG to unlock some of these cars, I tried it all night and finally, I made it. But this time, i can't get lucky, i try to search the cars' trophies figure, i really don't know what that is. My English is not good, if you have any questions, feel free to ask. Thank you very much. This game is Real Racing Next, it's very close to real racing 3, so i come here.
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