Until now you could play on the 1.3.0 version with no problems. From today/yesterday you have to update the app to the latest version of the to be able to play Although is still possible to play in older versions by changing the version using APK Editor (or any other app that allows to edit apks) strangely enough i were not able to change the code version (Version code:19367 Version Name: 1.3.0) (maybe is hard coded?)
Since i was able to bypass the first check i tried to run the app. Everything works great except the most important part of the game: roll the dices. Every time to try to roll a dice it prompts a "error" dialog back to the loading and then back were you were. Luckily if you switch off your internet you are able to play and generate the .ca files too, but once you connect to the internet same old story.
Having this knowledge i tried to generate the .ca files from the 1.3.0 modded version and copy them to the latest version using the same game account.
No success, the app complete ignores and delete them all.
Another thing that i found is that the drops of the packs of cards are the same between versions (idk could be useful)