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dzete last won the day on June 23 2023

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  1. I did that with 1;1;3 then if you find 7k you must delete 3k then you have 4k And edit 1k until you find the code
  2. Did disk and rep work? And for disk I recommend refining and then increasing 1 to get the right number then modifying, for rep and rubble I can't explain too lazy to type and i forgot to how do it
  3. Code I found : emba disk from event claim 3;1;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13 and refine the number of your + in the event reward Rep and rubel:20;1;100;5;1000;10;50 search and edit it For the caps it's a little difficult to explain so I didn't include it and the emba disk sometimes didn't work
  4. Do you search the code i give? I don't think it will work because reputation doesn't work on you either
  5. I did it in the latest version and it didn't take too long also it only took a few minutes and you can find the code
  6. I found a way to increase reputation, rubles, emba disks and caps for reputation the value is 1 not 10, rubble is also quite interesting it has some numbers like 10 etc.
  7. I've tried the script but it still doesn't work, maybe because of the device, can you give me a way to cheat the level manually without a script?
  8. How to cheat pet level?
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