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  1. cth

    Day R Survival

    Aaaaangel, please let's switch the gaaaame... This horse is dead. Let's hack a new one!
  2. cth

    Day R Survival

    do you know if it's 40k total earnings barrier or 40k actively on hands?
  3. cth

    Day R Survival

    https://anonymfile.com/NV0rk/revolted-3.lua Just mind you, it was EOLed and is no longer supported thanks to idiots who charge people real money for this script You can find more script and hacking resources in Discord here: https://discord.gg/rRrdKWkJHm
  4. cth

    Day R Survival

    you don't want it. Getting premium is not as easy. You would need to download the premium app and that is paid. it would check your google pay history. You run into a chance of bricking your game. Instead, just give yourself all the caps you need and also give yourself a raven. Done. Premium enough.
  5. cth

    Day R Survival

    You can change it by editing the item id, it's right there, in the memory near its quantity, but you'll need to translate its id into a few words. I think one word can contain four letters? Anyhow, read the early pages of this thread. People used to replace the pointers there to dupe items. You can use the same exactly technique to change the crafting input/output. I didn't bother doing so cuz... no need really. Oh, I guess I could do it to get unobtainable quest items and such, but Angel broke the promocode system, so now we can just spawn whatever we need through the promocodes.
  6. cth

    Day R Survival

    plus, you don't need to buy them even if you need some to hack them further. Just watch an ad and first reward is always 15 caps. You don't need more.
  7. cth

    Day R Survival

    No, it's not weird. And don't wait for a patch like that. So look, first of all, backend devs who know what they do are expensive. And they are pretty much always in demand. A game with s*** budget like this one won't have enough money to afford a strong team of backend devs to basically reimplement every front-end interaction on the backend as a verification. And this is the best practice whether in game dev, web dev or wherever. Clients are known to be unreliable. Maybe less so for mobile/console clients given how they don't come with root. Most likely, they hired a contractor or used to have a team member who made all the backend development for them. Basic as it is. Basically, an MVP. Then they figured that 95% of further progress in the game development can be done via front-end only, so they likely fired that person and continued developing the front-end for years. But really, if you look at it, there are not many people who are comfortable with rooting stuff and hacking at the memory. In fact, we're a bit odd people. Maybe we enjoy the process of hacking more than the process of playing? I know I often do. The point is, it's not like the game is dead now that we can do almost everything. A lot of kids and non-technical people will keep paying the greedy devs for the stuff that we casually hack. And the devs dramatically limited player interactions and implemented this soft ban logic exactly to prevent stronger players and hackers from busting their "economy", prevent them from giving away stuff that the devs are trying to sell to poor kids. I guess if we really wanted, we could kill the game by removing the bans and the limitations on the items you can give to other players (or the timeout) and starting giving away top level gear. But I don't see why we would. Loki and Angel are now leading hackers for this game. They target different segments of players, but they both charge or plan to charge, so they're interested in the game continuing as it is. Everyone's happy. AAA games (like diablo immoral), however, almost always do their backend checks, so we tend to not touch them unless we do it professionally for large profit.
  8. cth

    Day R Survival

    Your save has in it information on the number of caps you've made via video ads. Editing that should make you safe against determined caps purchased checks. But there's no real sense in having caps. Given how we can spawn pretty much any item from the game, including all caps store items. Well ok, perks reset may be an ok reason, but we now have an option to freeze our perks, effectively making it possible to have all perks on one character.
  9. cth

    Day R Survival

    the script doesn't work on some emulators. It works just fine in BS tho. Try it out.
  10. cth

    Day R Survival

    For the caps, you use Angel's latest script. It has an option to give you caps instead of taking when you spend them. For the emba disks, the event is over, so it's too late now. Almost. Angel's working on a solution for that, so stay tunned.
  11. cth

    Day R Survival

    Crafting and searching speed. I don't think it's super necessary, but it would surely make the game more fun. I tried getting to the speed, but Couldn't consistently. Once I froze time. And when you freeze time, you can only craft stuff that doesn't invoke the loading bar. Otherwise, it will just hang there. Oh, and when the time is frozen, you can't move lulz. And one other time, I managed to glitch search to be very very fast. But not for long and unstable. If you can't find it quickly, then I'd suggest not wasting your time on it. What you have there is already A LOT. At this stage, we can probably just go switch to another low-budget pseudo MMO game to hack and have fun there too.
  12. cth

    Day R Survival

    How did you get them? I couldn't wait, so I made a few hundreds through opening the box over and over. I had to use an autoclicker, lol. Dude, you don't need to wait for the script update. You can do almost everything the script doesn't do on your own. Just look for groups and you will find them The only things you kinda can't do are unbans, moderating functions and old events items. But regarding the old events items. as Angel mentioned above, the other script, getting all the old event items is coming out soon. It might be dangerous to use since it really gives a lot of things, but.. What? I'm gonna use it heh The unbans and other moderating functions... would be fun to have if we wanted to actually break the game. By breaking its economy. It would be funny tho. A GG community of hackers killing a predatory russian pile of microtransactions called a game. Heh.
  13. cth

    Day R Survival

    Yes and yes. But you also shouldn't care about soft ban. There are ways to revert it if you need to, but you don't really. Interactions with other players are not only unnecessary, it's also kinda primitive and useless..
  14. cth

    Day R Survival

    So first, Emba made those items obsolete more or less. Emba armor is better than maxed event items. But I just simply don't have those items on me. It's a new account I'm playing. Wait till the next event, I'm pretty sure they will keep the same leveling system and we will figure it out when the events are on. I'm trying now to get a few hundred of orange injectors but without opening half a thousand of expedition cases. I'm looking for a nicer solution. Lulz.
  15. cth

    Day R Survival

    While I really wanna join this bangwagon of hacking the game via custom http requests, I'm not quite there yet. I'm quite good at JS, but... maybe later. Don't wanna bother with encrypting/decrypting, looking into network logs and whatnot. And this is while 90% of the game is easily owned with simple memory editing. Here, another one: I can't find this info in the repo. Is the caps store there? Oh, this store must have been added in 767, and the repo is 766.
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