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Posts posted by h1neky

  1. 12 hours ago, MANDO01 said:

    You code have some bugs

    -- Create an empty table to store the passwords
    local passwords = {}
    -- Make a request to the password file and store the response content
    local response = gg.makeRequest('http://thscriptgg.mygamesonline.org/work/passwords.txt'). contents 
    if not response then
    print("access to the internet is needed")
    -- Parse the response and store the passwords in the table
    for password in response:gmatch('%S+') do
        passwords[password] = true
    -- Ask the user for a password and trim any leading or trailing whitespace
    local askPassword = gg.prompt({"Input your Password: "}, nil, {"text"})
    if not askPassword or not askPassword[1] then -- Check if the input is empty
        print("Password Empty")
    local password = askPassword[1]:match('%S+') -- Trim leading/trailing whitespace from the input
    -- Check if the input password matches any of the passwords in the table
    if passwords[password] then
        print("Password is right!")
        print("Invalid Password!")

    You can see the passwords in the link 

    I changed the script to a working one yesterday 

    local passwords = {}
    response = gg.makeRequest('https://naebalovobrawlstars.tk/passwords.txt').content --Getting the Password from the URI
    for i in response:gmatch('[^\n% ]+') do
      passwords[i] = true
    local validate = false
    --Password Input
    local askPassword = gg.prompt({"Input key: "}, nil, {"text"})
    if not askPassword then
      gg.alert("Password Empty")
    for key, value in pairs(passwords) do
      if askPassword[1] == key then
        gg.alert("Password Validate!")
        validate = true
    if validate == false then 
        gg.alert("Password Wrong!")


  2. 11 hours ago, MC189 said:

    Привет@h1neky, вы можете попробовать разобрать пароль. Судя по шаблону пробелов " " и новых строк "\n", вы можете разделить отдельные пароли и сохранить их в таблице для последующего использования. В этом примере мы хотим сравнить ключи таблицы с нашим вводом пароля. Если ключ не совпадает с заданным вводом или пустым, вместо этого он выйдет из сценария. Вы можете настроить это по своему вкусу:


    Hi, for some reason, only the first password 4257 works for me, and the others that do not work with each new line 

    #Don't pay attention to the russian text 

  3. 35 minutes ago, MANDO01 said:

    Do you mean to take password from txt In website and equals this passwords to the user input?

    If you want do this it's can be done with php easily

    I need that when entering a password, the script looked for whether there is a given password on the site and, if there is, activated the script

  4. 32 minutes ago, MANDO01 said:

    Вы имеете в виду взять пароль из txt на веб-сайте и приравнять этот пароль к вводу пользователя?

    Если вы хотите сделать это, это можно легко сделать с помощью php.

    Yes, please tell me how to do

  5. Hello everyone, I came across a great script to make a password for the script 

    local Passwords = {"4257"}
    local Menu = gg.prompt({"Password: "},nil,{"text"})
    if not Menu then return end
    for l , I in pairs(Passwords) do
    if Menu[1] == I then A = true end
    if A ~= true then gg.alert("️ Incorrect password entered") return else gg.alert(" You have successfully entered the script!") end

    Tell me how to make the Passwords variable take passwords from a text document located on the site 

    Website with passwords https://hinsite.ga/passwords.txt [not ad]


    I apologize in advance for the way I write in English. I am Belarus 

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