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  1. Anyone got the code for Tyrannosaur Doe?
  2. So I edit the goto addresses for the dino I want, and it worked for me. Thanks for the hack technique
  3. I did all the steps, and this is what happened: And when checking out the dino I wanted, it's behind a paywall.
  4. Root is enabled on bluestacks for me
  5. After typing 8CAE1414h;6F736572h and search in Dword, I get this.
  6. So, when typing this on Game Guardian and clicked search 8CAE1414h;6F736572h Nothing is showing up now. I think the new update messed up the exploit. (Note: I use bluestacks emulator) Is there a fix to this?
  7. Anyone got the code for the following 2? Cearadactylus Goronyosaurus
  8. Mastodon id: ID = -230,034,235
  9. What's the id for the compsognathus?
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