Very well so far everything is working, but since I am not good at writing scripts, I would also like to know if it is possible when running the hack to change the value found to 0 from the saved list, then apply the code I attached, edit the float to 1000, and then delete only the dword?
If it is possible, I would like the hack button to change the float to 0, then execute the attached code, then need to edit the float to 1000 and then need to delete all dword values after that. Float does not need to be frozen.
If this isn't possible I want to implement it another way, I need to keep the float because I'm looking for it with a long group search, but when it is found once at the beginning of the script I can copy its address to game guardian memory and search instantly by changing the memory range to the one I copied.
And I also want to have 3 identical hack buttons.
local function setAddr(addr, flags, value, freeze)
local t = {}
t[1] = {}
t[1].address = addr
t[1].flags = flags
t[1].value = value
t[1].freeze = freeze
gg.searchNumber("1111111111", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0)
local r = gg.getResults(3)
if #r == 0 then
gg.alert("No results found")
for _, v in ipairs(r) do
local addr = v.address - 100
setAddr(addr, 4, "2499", true)
for _, v in ipairs(r) do
local addr = v.address - 104
setAddr(addr, 4, "0", true)
Any answer will do.