For real I went through all other values that could have been the way to the ID and none worked, from none I got a pointer. So who knows why this is the case I could bet its just this item for me, I was so happy when I found at least one with 0 DWord and all you wrote but also this had no pointer.
I never saw a purple number though so maybe there is much more wrong than I could describe. Because of what I did I had the feeling to be on the right path because I understood for what the other invisibility_cloak values are, translations for example, so I didn't care about finding out why I never see pruple ones, thought its just an option you can turn on or sth like that. Now that I tried every single invisibility_cloak value I could find (all "i" values, not only the 0, 4, 8 and C ones) I'm done for this moment with this freaking cloak. Thank you again for your help!