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Everything posted by AlvinS

  1. eh i did it & got banned like you do
  2. @Varooval screen shoot please
  3. hi @Varooval im interesting for this game
  4. could you tell us how to hack speed, damage, and etc bro?
  5. Guys, may i ask for android version ? thank you
  6. sory, can i suggest a link for reference? iosgods * com/topic/36187-updated-paradise-war-global-3d-arpg-by-chen-shuang-v013151-4-cheats/ i think they do something interesting for paradise war on iphone thank you for codekiller for replying my request.
  7. i want this so much guys
  8. Update : Paradise war is a online games. I don't know how to change the diamond, and other value. Maybe somebody wanna teach me how XD Hi, i didn't uderstand maybe u should chit chat in english . ehehe ":))
  9. Name of Game: Paradise War Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.enjoygame.ttwyus&hl=en Version: 0.13.61 What cheat? Maybe Gold, Diamond, Energy, XP, Damage, etc . please guys Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: i couldnt hack diamonds,gold, xp, energy, damage with game guardian Comments: i tried to search gold value(dword) with gameguardian and couldnt find any value.... if anyone can find them plz tell me how.
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