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    Samsung A71, S21 Fe

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  1. In summary, the lib.so file and memory values are closely related in that the former contains the executable code (opcodes) that define the application’s behavior, and the latter represents the runtime state of these codes. Editing the lib.so file alters the program's machine code, while manipulating memory values can change the application’s behavior during execution. About your question "how can I find it which hack connected to which class?" Answer : If you mean on memory, then you can scan value using Class Search script and get result of Class name even for games which have obsfucated dump.cs which is very helpful. Class name and Field offset searcher (#by23kt0q) Script will show you class name in most of cases like 90%.
  2. View File Xor Key Calculator_v1.0.lua This Script is calculating Xor key by Inputting First Encrypted value and value you want to set. There are 3 types : For Integer, Float and Double. Script is simple to use, here is video link where you can see instructions. Happy Cheating :)) Submitter Midranger Submitted 07/29/2024 Category Tools  
  3. Version 1.0


    This Script is calculating Xor key by Inputting First Encrypted value and value you want to set. There are 3 types : For Integer, Float and Double. Script is simple to use, here is video link where you can see instructions. Happy Cheating :))
  4. Midranger

    XOR Values Doesnt Match

    I still haven't figured about how to calculate XOR for float. You can edit Key and value in same int and enc key in 0. It's working and no need to calculate anything. Example 1000F - key 0F - enc key 1000F - Value
  5. Select one type of values. Dword or Qword depend on what type of value is your value.
  6. Select your 2 encrypted values then press on calculator icon and select XOR. you will get result.
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