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  1. Number above qty
  2. And the rainbow egg or egg have you managed to get wairo demon?
  3. that's the easiest, but if you want to try to find a wairo demon with an item, use an item attack, like cabbage, but you have to change the attack column to 20000 because the column provided is max 5000, while to get a wairo demon it takes 11425 in total, that's included last item for accuracy And the rainbow egg or egg code 7
  4. no need to worry about status, just search for exp until you find only one line, then select go to, edit the number above exp to 5000 (lv pet) and above to 500 (lv eggs) and above to 143 (pet id)
  5. 143 put in pet id I've tried several ways, either through the intro, or the build and nothing has changed
  6. who knows someone needs a pet id
  7. Wairo demon king id 143
  8. Kingdom adventurers (#5fnp5xvj)
  9. to incubate eggs, so you don't have to worry about the color of the eggs, because the most influential is the pet id, whatever the color of the egg, if given the pet id code 138, it will definitely hatch kairo kommander, the strongest pet on KA, and if given code 14 in section pet id, will definitely result in go golem, and .....
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