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  1. If you want to know how the code works and how to modify the abilities, among other things, comment here or on YouTube
  2. If you use virtual machines I suggest you download the apk from google and install it with a file manager like zarchiver.
  3. I don't use virtual machines or anything like that, just on an android emulator and on a root phone.
  4. View File Script Dragon city (dragon levels and skills) SELECTLEVEL_By RDOSK.lua // this script can change the level of all dragons that feature level (7,20,25,30,35,36,40) along with their abilities FULL LEVEL.lua // This script changes the level of all dragons from 7 to 40 (if I remember correctly). If you want to know how it works to change levels or abilities of the dragons you can comment, I also speak Spanish. Submitter Rdosk Submitted 12/15/2022 Category LUA scripts
  5. Version 1.0.0


    SELECTLEVEL_By RDOSK.lua // this script can change the level of all dragons that feature level (7,20,25,30,35,36,40) along with their abilities FULL LEVEL.lua // This script changes the level of all dragons from 7 to 40 (if I remember correctly). If you want to know how it works to change levels or abilities of the dragons you can comment, I also speak Spanish.
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